The Beasties Oracle Deck


44 potent animal spirit cards & 150-page guidebook:

  • Designed to invoke primal laughs and deep thoughts
  • Hidden bumble bee on each card to remind you of the sweetness in life
  • Includes 4 spirit cards & earth, air, fire, and water pairings
  • Wrapped in paper, not plastic // Hand-illustrated artwork
  • Packed with wild wisdom for your untamed mind // tarot sized

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The Beasties Oracle Deck: 44 Rebellious Animal Spirit Cards

The Beasties Oracle Deck: 44 Rebellious Animal Spirit Cards & Guidebook -

44 Rebellious Animal Spirit Cards (+ 150 Page Guidebook)

44 Beasties. Some are Sweet. Some Hiss and Bite. There are 44 untamed beasties in this deck. Like you, they are edgy and rebellious, not just soft and serene. Most animal spirit decks only channel the latter. This deck brings the heat and also licks your face until you fall sweetly asleep. Your inner beastie should not be caged...

✨These Beasties Will Invoke Wild Laughs AND Deep Thoughts!

Tarot Sized Cards for Optimal Play: Unleash Your Wild & Creative Spirit. The cards in this deck are 12x7cm, the standard traditional tarot size. They feel SO good in the hand and are easy to shuffle around and play with.

Each deck includes a detailed 150+ page guidebook.

Fits softly in your hands...or claws...or whatever... 


✨ Detailed wild wisdom from each of your beastie friends

✨ Closing affirmations

✨ "Did You Know?" factual section about your beastie

The Beasties Oracle Deck: 44 Rebellious Animal Spirit Cards & Guidebook -

Each deck includes a detailed 150+ page guidebook.

Fits softly in your hands...or claws...or whatever... 


✨ Detailed wild wisdom from each of your beastie friends

✨ Closing affirmations

✨ "Did You Know?" factual section about your beastie

The Beasties Oracle Deck: 44 Rebellious Animal Spirit Cards & Guidebook -

Other Special Deck Features

The 4 Sacred Elements: Each beastie is paired with a sacred element (water, air, fire, earth.) These elements help embody the overall archetype and vision that the beastie spirits represent. The beasties are natural forces of duality, so sometimes a fire beastie may feel more like water to you, and vice versa. Not all air beasties fly, and not all water beasties swim.

✨ The Spirit Cards 11, 22, 33, and 44: There are four special spirit cards in this deck. They are numbers 11 (Egg), 22 (Feathered Serpent), 33 (Unisquid), and 44 (Woolly Mammoth). If you pull one of these cards, expect intensified opportunity and abundance. 

Can You Spot the Hidden Bumble Bee? There is a little bumble bee hiding on every card. Each bee is a reminder that there is sweetness and honey in everything. Can you find them?


Other Special Deck Features

Chew through your leash. Bust out of your cage. Splash in the puddles. Embrace the mud. Sink your claws into the rich, spontaneous maze. Scratch your back on some trees. Taste the honey.

Growl when you need your space. Bite the weasels that cross your boundaries. Howl in the glow of the full moon. Sprawl out naked on a warm patch of sunny rocks.

Build a cozy cocoon when you need rest. Catch the wind to the waterfall when you feel uplifted. Follow the scent of what turns you on. Hunt. Hump. Build a nest and lay some creative eggs. Hatch your mania. Raise a family.

✨Gallop loony into the open abyss. Frolic through the fairy forest. Smell all the wildflowers and butts. Unleash your sting. Open your wings. Soar into your dreams. Feel how free you can be.

✨Your wild is within. Allow it to move you.

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The Beasties Oracle Deck: 44 Rebellious Animal Spirit Cards & Guidebook -
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Perfect for You and Your Loved Ones

The perfect fun and creative gift for family, friends, and lover. Finding fun, quirky, and meaningful gifts is a struggle. Now you can escape that! 

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